Company bank account opening service

TBH Services is here to support our international clients in opening corporate bank accounts in their preferred jurisdictions. As specialists in business setup in Qatar, we provide comprehensive assistance for registering companies of all sizes. After gaining a better understanding of your business, our expert team will recommend suitable banks and jurisdictions for your consideration.

At TBH Services, we have a skilled team well-versed in navigating the various requirements and nuances of different banking systems.

Need of opening a corporate bank account in Qatar

A bank account is mandatory for any company established or planning to operate in Qatar. It is essential for smooth business operations, compliance with financial regulations, efficient transaction management, fund control, and fulfilling tax obligations.

A corporate bank account will help you to keep your business expenses separate from your personal savings and also helps you track your business cash flows, which will come in handy when filing taxes.

Our systematic methodology as well as connection with trusted banking partners from various reputable banks in Qatar will help you to make every process in a fast  and effective manner.

Documents required for opening a corporate bank account

The following documents are required for opening a corporate bank account in Qatar:

  • Commercial Registration (CR) Copy (Arabic & English)
  • Computer Card (Copy)
  • Trade License (Copy)
  • Article of Association (Copy)
  • Non Qatari ID (QID) / Passport (Copy)
  • Tax Card (Copy)
  • 6 month personal bank statement (if it is required).

How to start a company bank account opening in Qatar

Opening a corporate bank account in Qatar is a very fast and easy way of methodology for our team.

1. Understand your business

Depending on the business needs, the requirements of company bank account opening will be different from one another. Hence, knowing your business is an important factor before opening a bank account.

2. Selection of a corporate bank

Depending on the business needs, the requirements of company bank account opening will be different from one another. Hence, knowing your business is an important factor before opening a bank account.

3. Fill out account opening forms

Depending on the business needs, the requirements of company bank account opening will be different from one another. Hence, knowing your business is an important factor before opening a bank account.

4. Partners Verification

Bank verification after the form submission.

5. Opening of account successfully

Once after getting approval from the preferred bank, your account will be opened within a few days. Our team will take care of your all procedures for opening a bank account in Qatar.

Are you ready to open a corporate bank account in Qatar?

TBH Services is your comprehensive business solution provider, offering a full range of services for company formation, including bank account opening, CR registration, Qatari sponsorship, and 100% foreign ownership registration. We also provide various legal services, such as translation and certificate attestation, among others. With our extensive experience, we can help you successfully launch your business in Qatar. For more information about our corporate bank account opening services in Qatar, contact us today!

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